Thursday, 29 July 2010

Science funding

The FT covers the story of the emerging spat between Lord Browne and the science community here.  I want to start by saying that I do think it important for politicians and others not to meddle too much in science, which is a very uncertain field that often throws out unexpected results - and benefits.

But I think scientists would do themselves a huge favour with the public and politicians if
a) they stopped asking for and receiving funding for research projects of evidently no value to society.  Private Eye does a good job of identifying the worst culprits, from their own press releases.
b)  if they want to ensure the public knows and understands the value of what they do, they need to communicate and engage far, far better.  And by that I don't mean press releases, visits to schools, and lobbying for funding.

These aren't particularly original points but the fact that they still need to be made shows that scientists, on the whole, have not yet grasped the perception challenge that they face.

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